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recipes and benefits of cinnamon leaf

This time I will share recipes cinnamon leaf selection beloved family and I will be a little review of the benefits of cinnamon leaf:
Let us prepare the material:
  • one bunch of cinnamon leaves, picking the leaves, then wash
  • 250 ml of water
  • two spring onions
  • a clove of garlic
  • one cm turmeric
  • two bay leaves
  • one cm galangal
  • one teaspoon of salt
  • one teaspoon of sugar
  • chili to taste
how to cook:

  • boiled water, puree prepared seasoning and bay leaves are also inputs and galangal.
  • cut a small chili small input into the cooking water
  • input cinnamon leaf, stir mix well and looks valve leaves wither
  • serve while warm

well now I am also going to give a review cinnamon leaf benefits:

  1. good for bones and osteoporosis sufferers
  2. effectively smooth milk for breastfeeding mothers
  3. containing ephedrine for treatment of influenza
  4. contains pro-vitamin a, b and c
  5. good for adult men's health and improve the quality of sperm

so good luck latest recipes from our
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